Spring News & Updates
Hello to all our subscribers, long and short term! We are pleased to have you on board as support.
We are sharing a new posting and an updated posting. Take a look and share with friends using the social icon buttons on each page of the website.
We are getting used to our new site design and really hope you enjoy it. We want to know what you think. You can click on the link at the bottom of this email to email us direct. Please feel free to use it anytime. We will eventually be setting up so you can post comments direct on the site.
► New Posting
It’s here, as we said it would be in our last newsletter! This is a Concours Restoration of a 1942 Indian Four, Model 442. It was number 10 off the factory line and the information on the bike is a great read.
1942 Indian Four – Model 442
► Updated Posting
This 1948 Harley Davidson Custom Bobber has a new top end! It is ready for the road and it is spring time! What is holding you back? It runs as good as it ever has! The engine is almost broken in and it is ready for this season’s Show & Go!
1948 Harley Davidson Custom Bobber Chopper
Thanks for taking the time to review this quick newsletter. Click here if you want to send us a note, Contact Us
Yes, we will be at the Mecum Auction at the end of April. And, Yes, we will be able to review bikes for you and assist in bidding if you want. Call or email to discuss. We are making appointments now.
Be Well, Stay Well
The Staff at Classic Motorcycle Consignments
Tim Graber